Declared in WTArchitectView.h


WTScreenshotSaveOption are used to define specific instructions that should be considered before or after the screenshot saving.

The values can be chained together using the | operator.


typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, WTScreenshotSaveOptions ) {
   WTScreenshotSaveOption_CallDelegateOnSuccess = 1 < < 0,
   WTScreenshotSaveOption_SavingWithoutOverwriting = 1 < < 1,
   WTScreenshotSaveOption_None = 0,



Independent of the save mode, the delegate method -architectView:didCaptureScreenWithContext: will be called. The context dictionary contains all informations regarding capture and save mode.

Declared In WTArchitectView.h.


This option is only considered when using the save mode WTScreenshotSaveMode_BundleDirectory. It defines if a existing screenshot with the same name should be replaced or not. When a file with the same name already exists and the overwriting option is not set, the screen capture will fail and the delegate method -architectView:didFailCaptureScreenWithError will be invoked.

Declared In WTArchitectView.h.


No options should be considered during the screenshot saving.

Declared In WTArchitectView.h.

Declared In
